2015年11月14日 星期六

❦ CL⑨ - Midterm

This weekend is midterm

♦ Term explanation:

1. Onomatopoeia : is a word that phonetically imitates, resembles or suggests the source of the sounds that it describes.

2. nonsense : is a communication, via speech, writing, or any other symbolic system, that lacks any coherent sometimes in ordinary usage, nonsense is synonymous with absurdity or ridiculous.

3. nursery rhymes : is a traditional poem or song for young children.

4. Fantasy : is a genre of fiction that commonly uses magic and other supernatural phenomena as a primary plot, element, theme or setting.

5. Charles Perrault : French writer of fairy tales of Mother Goose.

 ♦ Essay:

1. What is children's literature? Are there certain specific characteristics detaching children's literature from adult's books? If yes, what are they? If no, why are we here to study this subject?

It can be broadly defined as anything that children read or more specifically defined as fiction, non-fiction, poetry, or drama intended for used by children and young people. If some kid's age is not enough to read, they need to be accompanied by an adult read to them to listen. And the contents of the book is the child as the protagonist often, and the plot is full of imagination, so it will make them feel happy. Contents of the book is usually simple and straightforward, such as repeated words or onomatopoeic words, so it can make them to repeat and imitate, and stories usually starting from life, and children will experience the joy of reading.

2. The climax is the high point of the story, where the culmination of events creates the peak of the conflict. In the plot of narrative work, a resolution consists of a series of events that follow the climax, and thus serves as the conclusion of the story, even though not all stories have a resolution. Could you (1)relocate where the climax of Charlotte's Web is and (2)analyze your resolution that  (3)associated with the idea of conflicts?

When the pig will be sent to the game, Charlotte accompany with him, and goose make effort to convince Templeton with them to the Fair. Conflict is that when Wilbur came to the farm no one wants to be his friend, in addition to Charlotte, and the animals were all thought it would be killed before winter as food on the table. But with Charlotte for him help, Wilbur is the magical pig in the eyes of the owner. Moreover as animals are together morning and night, their relationship are better and better, they all want to save his life. I touched by the pure mutual friendship for each other.

3. Who is Mother Goose? Is she real?

Mother Goose is the name given to an archetypal country woman. She is credited with the Mother Goose stories and rhymes popularized in the 1700s in English-language literature, although no specific writer has ever been identified with such a name, so she is imaginary and not real.

