2015年10月21日 星期三

❦ CL④ - Continue Charlotte's Web

This weekend teacher mentioned a important concept -- "climax" , 

    so what is the climax?

► the climax of the story is when the conflict of the plot is resolved. It is often the most exciting part of the story. It is like the mountain peak and sometimes referred to as the "turning point" of the story, when the plot changes for better or for worse.

 the element of story
setting, characters, sequence, exposition, conflict, climax, resolution 

Sun teacher said that she thinks it's climax that Wilbur asked Charlotte "Why you want to 

help me? " in the story of Charlotte's Web, and I think it is the key of Wilbur becoming more mature. 

How to choose a English name, at least Not Weird !

If you need to pick an English name for yourself, please do not try to be creativeYou need a name that sounds as normal to American ears as possible, to prevent yourself from facing even more discrimination and ridicule.

  • Do not try to pick a fun or cute-sounding name from a movie, television, or video game character.
  • Do not pick a name that you think sounds cool or trendy, because Americans will think it sounds stupid.
  • Do not choose a variation as your official name. e.g. your friends might end in the letter 'Y') like Jacky,  These are nicknames that Americans call their children, so they are not taken seriously for adults.
  • If possible, choose a name that sounds somewhat similar to your real name.
Name assistant -- Nymbler appears the trend chart of the name in 100years.
    Test my English name: Lily

